Welcome to my Website!

Hello! If you're seeing this then it's a little bit after i finally caved and decided to bother setting up a little neocties hub page.

On April 13th, 2023, i had spontaneous apical pneumothorax of my right lung, followed by delayed pneumothorax of my left. What's that mean? back to back collapsed lungs, baby!

With all this time stuck in the hospital, i'm deciding to finally get around to making a more established homepage for my links, playlists, and other suggested pages.

I tinker with CSS and HTML quite often, and although I am quite familiar, it's still a process to relearn so much for a single project.

to do list:

  • Change font to Atkinson Hyperlegible
  • Refine style sheet colors and general typeface styles
  • establish 3 lists. one for personal links, one for links i suggest to others, and one for shitposty, goofy pages and test pages that i create later on
  • in the meantime, here's my youtube music playlist.

    the music is eclectic so throw it on shuffle, give it a few songs, and see how you feel. i hope you find a new favorite song on there. :^)

    shoutout gongo/greatsphynx, shoutout hackerling, shoutout vinesauce, shoutout lightlazer and hoff and chasen and octoblue and veemocam and all the other silly kind folks out there

    this is where i'd put a goofy image of the sittin cat that i use on twitch or something if i had access to my PC but again, im stuck on a dinky laptop in the hospital so just imagine it for now